
Showing posts from July, 2023


  What Is a Customer Avatar? A Customer Avatar is the modern name for a customer profile. The easiest way to explain what it is, is to give you an example. Imagine a photograph of your best friend. You know everything about them … their age, what country they live in, what they like, dislike, what family, pets, type and size of home they have, their dreams and desires and also their frustrations.  A Customer Avatar is a collection of this type of information that you imagine describes your ideal customer. We will explore how to create one a little later. Just remember ...the more in-depth and detailed your collection of information, the more accurate your customer avatar will be. This ideal customer avatar represents a single most perfect customer you could possibly have, that is to say a person who completely needs and wants your product, your content or your services. This ideal customer could even be the perfect person you would love to work with. An Ideal Customer Avatar is t