What Is a Customer Avatar?

A Customer Avatar is the modern name for a customer profile. The easiest way to explain what it is, is to give you an example. Imagine a photograph of your best friend. You know everything about them … their age, what country they live in, what they like, dislike, what family, pets, type and size of home they have, their dreams and desires and also their frustrations. 

A Customer Avatar is a collection of this type of information that you imagine describes your ideal customer. We will explore how to create one a little later. Just remember ...the more in-depth and detailed your collection of information, the more accurate your customer avatar will be.

This ideal customer avatar represents a single most perfect customer you could possibly have, that is to say a person who completely needs and wants your product, your content or your services. This ideal customer could even be the perfect person you would love to work with.

An Ideal Customer Avatar is the person who ideally wants and loves your products, services and/or content and looks forward to hearing from you. They buy your products or services, appreciate how they benefit from what they buy from you and are happy to refer friends and family to your business. In essence, a Customer Avatar is a more detailed version of the traditional Ideal Client/Customer. That enables you to share “The right message for the right person at the right time delivered in the right place”.

Do You need a Customer Avatar?

The better you know your ideal customer, the better you will be able to write your marketing messages that they will respond to, the more focussed your advertising will be and your product or service development will be done on an informed basis.

Remember that "if you try and sell to everyone you will sell to no one." Your headlines, wording for blogs, posts, your website all need to use words that your potential customers will connect with. You need to show them you understand their needs, this will show them you are be able to help them to achieve their wishes and goals.

A Customer Avatar is absolutely critical to a business of any size. Without the information you collect when you create your avatar (or ideal client profile) your hard work promoting your business online may miss its mark …. at best it will not be as effective as it could be.

When you know your ideal customer well enough to almost second guess their thoughts, you will more easily be able to communicate with them in your social media or blog posts and marketing activities.

They will consider any content and articles you share very valuable to them and will enjoy receiving your communications. Messages are more likely to get you noticed and engage customers at a more in-depth level as they know you are not wasting their time with irrelevant content. Instead they can be confident that you understand their desires, which will keep them actively engaged, and you will present something, whether a product or service, that they will want and be happy to pay for.

Being focussed on your customer’s needs and wishes reassures potential customers that you are truly looking to build a business on a long-term basis and you will not disappear overnight. They can rely on you to share information and create products that seem like they are for them specifically.

How Do You Create a Customer Avatar?

Now, even though there are billions of people in the world, possibly millions who represent your ideal customer, we are going to focus on describing just one person. Focussing this way will enable you to hone in on their specific needs and problems rather than try to meet a vast mixture of desires and issues.  The objective is to create a branding message for your business that attracts more of your ideal customers, rather than try to be a catch all.

To identify this perfect customer, we start out on a few simple details about this person.  We need to understand such things as what:

  • They like / dislike

  • Their aspirations are

  • Their frustrations

  • Their family circumstances

  • Their age group

  • Their household / business income

There are dozens of perspectives that could be explored. The important thing to remember is that there is only one person who can actually build this picture – you. Although we recommend you enlist the help of someone who understands customer avatars to assist you, it will work to your best advantage if you are involved in the process.

Remember, this is your image of your ideal customer. It will be difficult to get started, but once you do it will start to flow, with the right help. You can even give your avatar a name. Assigning a photo is also a powerful technique as it brings your avatar to life.

Background Research

Spend some quality time getting to know your Ideal Customer Avatar, especially looking at their specific pain points and frustrations. A great way is to get into their zone is to think what might keep them up at night?

Also, if you already have a client base, irrespective of the size, you can talk to them or create a survey to find out the type of information you need (explain why you are asking them all these questions!) and select the common themes for each answer.

You will benefit most if you make time to really listen and engage with them to find out about their pain points and frustrations and how what they buy from you helps them. This will prove to be invaluable.

You can also do some research online.

  • Ask questions on Facebook groups about how they find solutions to the problems you solve

  • Review and comment on the online forums

  • Review the comments on blog posts

  • Visit competitors' blogs and look at the comments


Creating an avatar to represent your ideal customer may feel counter-productive - after all your business needs multiple customers to succeed. However, taking the time and effort (and help if you need it) to get a clear view of who your customers are and how they think will pay dividends in the long run. 
It will save money when it comes to putting adverts and content out on social media - even help with your website development and writing the content.  

If you feel a guiding hand would help in defining an ideal customer profile we are happy to help. We offer a free, no obligation, 20 minute consultation to establish how best we can help you. Make use of this to help take your business to the next level.  

Email us at:               or 

Visit our contact us page to book your free consultation:

We hope you have found this information helpful and look forward to speaking to you in the future.

(C) CLH Media 2023


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