Outsourcing Social Media Activity: A Strategic Move for Business Growth

Why to Consider Outsourcing Your Social Media Activity

As a micro business owner you have a suite of plates to keep spinning – delivering your product or service, accounting record keeping, networking, keeping customers happy securing new customers, all feature in a days work. During quiet times it is possible for you to take a breather and start to think strategically about marketing – but what happens when you become busy.

In this month’s blog we look at some benefits, concerns and key considerations for micro businesses when thinking about how they handle their social presence and marketing activity.

The key outcome for this blog is to assist you in weighing up the pros and cons, carefully, to determine whether outsourcing to a digital marketing agency aligns with your specific needs, resources, and business goals.

It's essential for us as micro business owners to undertake this important part of the decision as some of you may find value in outsourcing specific tasks or certain campaigns while continuing to handle others in-house, striking a balance that suits your unique requirements.


To kick off we’re taking a look at the benefits of outsourcing your social media:

Time Efficiency and Focus

Working in partnership with a digital marketing agency allows you to concentrate on your core business activities and fewer of your back office tasks. It reduces the burden of managing social media platforms and content creation and enables you to do more of what you enjoy.

Expertise and Professionalism

Engaging a digital markeeting agency gives you access to a team of experienced social media specialists. This will ensure high-quality content creation and strategy implementation whilst still retaining your unique business branding.


Although using a digital marketing agency requires a sensible budget, doing so eliminates the need for hiring and training an in-house social media team and all the other constraints employing staff for this purpose brings with it. Reducing overhead costs associated with maintaining an internal department.

Scalability and Flexibility

A digital media agency can easily adapt social media efforts to business growth and seasonal changes. They will bring ideas and share experiences of previous campaigns and discuss how these may be adapted to benefit your business. They will also bring the ability to adjust marketing strategies based on market trends and competitor analysis.

Consistent Brand Image

Partnering with a digital marketing agency ensures your brand message and image are consistently represented online. Some will work with you to define this if you haven’t already done so. Maintaining a unified brand identity across various social media platforms is key to establishing your branding and getting it recognised.

Access to Advanced Tools and Technologies

Digital marketing agencies often have access to premium analytics and monitoring tools that will enable them to establish what is working and what is not. Future content and other tools can be put into place in line with this information.

Improved Customer Engagement

Implementing effective strategies to foster customer engagement, loyalty and reach are a significant benefit. Working with someone in the digital marketing field brings new perspectives, ideas and creatives to your presence.


Secondly, there are several reasons why you, as a micro business owner, might choose not to use a digital marketing agency:

Budget Constraints: Larger digital marketing agencies can be costly, and a micro business with limited financial resources may find it challenging to afford their services. Be clear about your budget for your activity and it should be a longer term investment rather than just a flash in the pan activity.

Bear in mind in the early months of your increased activity you may not have sufficient budget to afford expensive advertising fees. Big businesses spend a significant amount of their marketing budget on paying for adverts to be presented to their target market. Most micro business owners rely on “organic” growth. This means your activity needs to be consistent over a period of time to achieve a critical mass of exposure to your audience. You will also rely more on your audience sharing your content and helping with your promotion.

We recommend you have a discussion with any digital marketing agency you are considering about ideas they may have for cost effective tactics.

In-House Expertise: If the business owner or their team already possesses adequate digital marketing skills, they may prefer to handle the social media activity themselves to save costs.

This works really well if you know your audience (have an accurate customer avatar) and have ideas for promotion that are more than just an advert. Think about how many times you have received a positive comment or recommendation based simply on an advert. Not many, I guess. Far better to consider what content you are sharing to be seen as “in the know” and professional in your field.

There are also micro business owners who enjoy the process of learning and implementing digital marketing strategies on their own, fostering a sense of accomplishment.

Control and Flexibility: Some micro business owners prefer to have complete control over their marketing strategies and content, which can be limited when working with an external agency. For your arrangement with a digital marketing agency to work well, there needs to be a realistic acknowledgement of your specific circumstances, topics and perspective, by both yourself and the agency you contract with.

Probably one of the biggest issues is that of last minute decisions. Changing your topic for the month’s blog or tactic will guarantee headaches for both parties (and more than likely cost). Creating a plan, that is adhered to, apart from regular scheduled reviews, is best value for money and best for your business. Taking an active part in putting the plan together is essential.

Niche Expertise: In certain industries or niches, a micro business may require specialized knowledge that some digital marketing agencies might not have. It is strongly recommended that, if this is your business, you do some detailed research in the niche field where your business sits.

Limited Scope of Activities: Micro businesses with relatively simple social media needs may find it more practical to manage their social media in-house, as outsourcing may seem unnecessary. This is perfectly acceptable, if your business allows you time to think and create and can live with the peaks and troughs that may be caused by this approach.

Company Values and Tone: Outsourcing social media can sometimes lead to challenges in conveying the company's unique tone and values accurately. Let’s face it, employees of an external agency will take time and input from yourself to fully immerse themselves in your style -it is after all unique to you and your business. This concern can be overcome if you are prepared to put in the time and money for this to become a reality.

Time-Sensitive Decisions: In rapidly changing markets or during critical events, micro business owners may need to make real-time decisions, which could be hindered by the involvement of an external agency. In a situation that requires this of you, our recommendation is to “be prepared”. Both you and your chosen external agency can put together contingent “safe” content, in advance if there is likely to be a real crisis. We suggest you have alternative content available anyway.

Close Customer Interaction: Some micro businesses prioritize a personalized approach and prefer to handle social media interactions with customers directly. For most of us part of the joy of running a micro business is the close interaction with your clients or customers. Careful preparation of your strategy and tactics need not distance you from your customers – especially if your tactics involve them and encourage their engagement in some way.

Lack of Long-Term Commitment: Engaging a digital marketing agency often involves signing contracts, which may not be ideal for micro businesses that prefer shorter-term arrangements. One of the biggest decisions to make before engaging an external agency is “how long”. Expecting top results from a short, organic campaign is definitely going to deliver disappointment. To maintain a realistic budget and still get results, long term commitment is a necessity.

A Key Consideration

What type of digital marketing agency do you need?

You may not know that digital marketing agencies come in various shapes and sizes, each specializing in different aspects of online marketing. Here are some common types of digital marketing agencies:

Social Media Marketing Agency: Specializes in creating and executing social media strategies across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. They focus on increasing brand awareness, engagement, and lead generation through social media channels.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Agency: Focuses on improving a website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). They optimize websites to rank higher in organic search results, driving more traffic and potential customers.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Agency: Manages paid advertising campaigns, such as Google Ads, where businesses pay for each click on their ads. They aim to increase website traffic and conversions through paid search and display advertising.

Content Marketing Agency: Specializes in creating and promoting various types of content, such as blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and more. They focus on providing valuable, informative content to attract and retain customers.

Email Marketing Agency: Expert in creating and managing email marketing campaigns to nurture leads, engage customers, and drive conversions. They utilize email automation and personalization to optimize results.

Web Design and Development Agency: Provides services to design and develop websites that are visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for performance and conversion.

Influencer Marketing Agency: Facilitates partnerships between brands and influencers to promote products or services to their audiences. They manage influencer campaigns and measure their impact.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Agency: Analyzes website performance and user behavior to optimize conversion rates. They focus on improving the user experience to drive more sales or leads.

Analytics and Data Insights Agency: Specializes in data analysis and reporting to provide valuable insights into marketing efforts, customer behavior, and campaign performance.

Integrated Digital Marketing Agency: Offers a comprehensive range of digital marketing services, combining various strategies to create a cohesive and effective online marketing approach.

E-commerce Marketing Agency: Focuses on marketing strategies tailored specifically for e-commerce businesses, including product listing optimization, shopping ads, and conversion optimization.

Mobile Marketing Agency: Specializes in creating mobile-focused marketing campaigns, such as mobile app advertising, SMS marketing, and mobile-friendly website optimization.

These are just a few examples, and many digital marketing agencies may offer a combination of services or cater to specific industries or niches. When selecting a digital marketing agency, it's crucial that you identify your specific needs and find an agency that aligns with your goals and objectives.

Questions to Ask Questions to Ask

When choosing a digital marketing agency for their micro business, the owner should consider several key factors to ensure they make the right decision. Here are some important aspects to consider:

What services do they offer?: Determine the specific digital marketing services the agency provides and whether they align with your business needs. Consider whether you require a comprehensive approach or need assistance with specific areas like social media, SEO, PPC, etc.

Do they have specific industry Expertise: Look for an agency that has experience working with businesses in your industry or niche. Familiarity with your field can lead to more effective marketing strategies and better understanding of your target audience.

Do they have a Portfolio / Case Studies: Review the agency's portfolio and case studies to see examples of their previous work. Assess their track record and success stories, particularly for businesses of a similar size and scope as yours.

Check out any Client Reviews and Testimonials: Seek out reviews and testimonials from the agency's past and current clients. Check platforms like Google, social media, or their website to gauge client satisfaction and overall reputation.

Ask about budget and pricing: But first clearly define your budget for digital marketing services and request pricing information from the agencies you're considering. Ensure that their pricing aligns with your budget and that there are no hidden costs.

How do they manage communication and support: Evaluate the agency's communication style and how responsive they are to inquiries. Good communication and support are essential for a successful partnership. Think about your own requirements in this area too and be clear what you need from them.

Team Expertise: Learn about the team members who will be handling your account. Ensure they have the necessary expertise and qualifications to execute effective digital marketing strategies. If possible meet face to face or over Zoom, Teams, etc.

Ask about how they tailor each strategy and approach for their clients: Understand their approach to digital marketing and how they tailor strategies to meet the unique needs of their clients. What sort of information do they need from you to ensure a good fit.

Contract Terms and Flexibility: Review the agency's contract terms and conditions. Ensure that they offer flexibility in case you need to adjust or terminate the agreement.

Compatibility and Company Culture: Consider the compatibility between your micro business and the agency. A good cultural fit can lead to a more productive and enjoyable working relationship.

Location: Decide whether the agency's physical location is essential to you. Some micro businesses may prefer a local agency for easier face-to-face communication.

Take your time to research and compare different digital marketing agencies before making a decision. Ask for recommendations, conduct interviews, and request proposals to gather the necessary information to make an informed choice that will best suit your micro business's marketing needs.

What to Expect 

When You Partner With The Right Digital Marketing Agency:

Tailored Strategy: The agency should create a customized digital marketing strategy that aligns with the micro business's goals, target audience, and budget.

Expertise and Experience: The agency should have a team of experienced digital marketing professionals who are well-versed in various aspects of online marketing.

Clear Communication: The agency should maintain open and transparent communication, providing regular updates on campaign progress and performance.

Data-Driven Approach: The right agency will base their decisions on data and analytics, constantly optimizing campaigns for better results.

Goal-Oriented Campaigns: The agency should focus on achieving specific objectives, such as increasing website traffic, lead generation, or conversions.

Creative Content and Design: The agency should produce compelling and engaging content, visuals, and ad creatives to capture the audience's attention.

Adaptability: The right agency will be flexible and able to adjust strategies as needed, keeping up with industry trends and changes.

ROI Focus: The agency should be committed to delivering a positive return on investment (ROI) for the micro business's marketing efforts.

Timely Execution: Expect the agency to meet deadlines and deliver campaigns in a timely manner.

Transparent Reporting: The agency should provide regular reports and insights, allowing the micro business owner to track performance and understand the impact of their marketing efforts.

Proactive Recommendations: The right agency will not only execute agreed-upon strategies but also offer proactive suggestions and recommendations for improvement.

Continuous Learning: A good digital marketing agency will stay up-to-date with the latest trends, algorithm changes, and industry best practices.

Dedication to Results: The agency should be committed to the micro business's success and work diligently to achieve the desired outcomes.

Excellent Customer Support: Expect the agency to be responsive and attentive to any questions, concerns, or issues that may arise during the partnership.

Long-Term Partnership: The right agency will seek to build a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship with the micro business, fostering trust and loyalty.

Remember that finding the right digital marketing agency is a crucial step in achieving marketing success for a micro business. Take the time to research and assess potential agencies thoroughly, and don't hesitate to ask questions to ensure they can meet your specific needs and expectations.

What to Prepare What you should prepare in advance

Before engaging a digital marketing agency, a micro business owner should prepare the following:

Define Business Objectives: Clearly outline the marketing goals and objectives you have set for your business. Determine what the business aims to achieve through digital marketing, whether it's increased website traffic, lead generation, brand awareness, or higher conversions.

Budget Allocation: As mentioned earlier, it is vital to establish a budget for digital marketing efforts. This will help the agency understand the available resources and tailor their strategies accordingly.

Target Audience: Identify the target audience and create buyer personas (aka customer avatar). Understanding your ideal customers will assist the agency in developing more effective marketing campaigns.

Current Marketing Efforts: If you currently use any marketing methods, evaluate the business's existing marketing strategies and their performance. Share any data and insights available with the agency to provide a starting point for improvement.

Competitive Analysis: Research and compile information about competitors' digital marketing tactics. This will help the agency identify opportunities and areas for differentiation.

Brand Guidelines: Provide the agency with brand guidelines, including logo, color schemes, fonts, and brand tone. Consistency is crucial in maintaining the brand's identity across digital channels.

Website and Content Audit: Conduct an audit of the business's website and content. Identify areas that need improvement or updating and discuss them with the agency.

Technology and Analytics: Ensure that the website has proper tracking and analytics tools, such as Google Analytics. This data will help the agency make data-driven decisions.

Set Expectations: Clearly communicate the business owner's expectations and timelines for campaign results. This will align both parties on the expected outcomes.

Questions and Concerns: Prepare a list of questions and concerns to discuss with the digital marketing agency during the initial consultation. Ask about their strategies, processes, and previous client experiences.

Internal Resources: Assess the internal resources available for collaboration with the agency. Determine if there will be team members dedicated to working with the agency or providing necessary information.

Contract and Agreement: Review the agency's contract terms and conditions carefully. Ensure you understand the services offered, pricing, termination clauses, and any additional costs.

Flexibility: Be open to discussing different approaches and strategies with the agency. Flexibility and willingness to consider new ideas can lead to more successful campaigns.

Long-Term Vision: Consider the agency's potential as a long-term partner. Building a strong, collaborative relationship can yield better results over time.

By preparing these elements in advance, you can provide the digital marketing agency with valuable insights, make it easier to get things right, and set the foundation for a successful partnership.

 Final Word

We’ve covered considerable ground this month and we hope it has given you sufficient information to enable you to give serious thought to consider using an external digital marketing agency. It will have an associated cost, however, when it works it can mean you’re doing more of what you enjoy.

Whether you are a complete novice with social media for business marketing or have some experience we are happy to help answer your questions. If you are familiar with us, you will know that we offer a free 20 minute consultation. Take advantage of it today – and get some sleep at nights!

Email us at: contact@clhmedia.co.uk or

Visit our contact us page to book your free consultation: https://clhmedia.co.uk/contact-us

We hope you have found this information helpful and look forward to speaking to you in the future.

(C) CLH Media 2023 



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